CMSIS-DAP on a cheap ST-LINK V2 mini adapter

I while ago I purchased several ST-LINK V2 mini adapters on Aliexpress. It would be great if those adapters could be converted to CMSIS-DAP debuggers.

Fortunately the CMSIS-DAP firmware was ported to STM32 and the ST-LINK V2 hardware.

See the following post for details:

I have two ST-LINK V2 mini adapter versions, an USB dongle like device and a plain PCB version. I have used the dongle to program the PCB version.

The dongle version:

ST-LINK V2 dongle

The PCB version

ST-LINK V2 pcb

Connecting the wires

Connection the wires

I have used the STM32 ST-Link utility to program the following HEX file into the device:

Then I used the CooCox CoFlash programmer to test the CMSIS-DAP debugger which could connect to a STM32F030 device!

Later I’ll setup an Eclips toolchain on Windows 10 to test the CMSIS-DAP debugger.

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8 Responses to CMSIS-DAP on a cheap ST-LINK V2 mini adapter

  1. Rob says:

    Have you tried loading the file onto the integrated stlinkv2.1 present on nucleo boards?
    I’m looking for a cmsis-dap swd debugger, and if I can repurpose my nucleo debugger that’d be great.


  2. I have not tried that. You could ask the author of the software


  3. Brendan Simon says:

    Cool little project 🙂
    How does the performance of the DAP version compare with ST-LINK version?
    Is the DAP version faster to download code?
    Does the DAP version support more breakpoints?
    Is there any benefit to swapping to DAP rather than just using the ST-LINK as is?
    Thanks, Brendan.


    • Currently I’m using only stm32 devices therefore I’m still using the ST-link for program/debuging. I do not know if DAP supports more breakpoints.


    • Maurits van de Lande says:

      btw. I have switch to the J-link OB (J-OB V2) debug probe from aliexpress. I has a SWD interface + serial. the J-link supports unlimited breakpoints.


  4. rossihwang says:

    Are there any advantages of CMSIS-DAP compared with stlink? Is is possible to read the registers during debugging? Thanks


    • Because I only use ST MCU’s, I still use the ST-Link with VisualGDB. Then you can read any register during debugging. On AliExpress you can also buy cheap J-link OB debug probes. Maybe you can use those?


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